Whatsapp referral to 876-878-9322

Adult Echocardiogram (patient 18 years or older)

45 minutes – This is an ultrasound of the heart. During this test, the doctor or echocardiographer will be able to measure the size of the heart, the thickness of the heart muscle and can determine whether the heart is weak, or pumping normally. The report is usually sent directly to your referring doctor by email or fax within 24 hours

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

15 minutes – gives the doctor information about the electrical activity of the heart. It is recommended as screening test for all persons 40 years and older, and any one with symptoms that could be related to the heart: chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, leg swelling, fainting.

24 or 48 Hour Holter

15 minutes – This is like an ECG – records the electrical activity of the heart, digitally on a small device, the size of a cell-phone. This recorder is worn for 24 or 48 Hours, so you take it home and return it the same time, 24 or 48 hours later. It is useful for patients who have palpitations or fainting but have a normal ECG.

Pacemaker Checks

Have you had a pacemaker or defibrillator implanted? The device needs to be evaluated at least once every 6 months, to ensure correct settings and proper function. Call our office to schedule an interrogation session with one of our Cardiologists/Cardiac Surgeons.

Stress Tests

45 -60 minutes – Two main types are offered at our clinic. Stress tests are usually needed if there is suspicion of blocked coronary arteries and sometimes for other indications.


  • The patient is asked to walk on a treadmill, while the ECG is being monitored.
  • The length of the test varies with each patient.


  • This test combines regular treadmill exercise test with an echocardiogram. It is more accurate than a regular stress test in predicting the presence of blocked arteries.

On the day of your stress test:

  • Bring all of your medications to your appointment.
  • Be guided by the staff on which medications to take and which ones to avoid the morning of your test.

DO NOT Eat or Drink two(2) hours before your test

24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Are your doctors never sure if you are truly hypertensive? Do you get high blood pressure readings at the doctor’s office, but always normal at home? The 24 hour Blood pressure monitor is ideal to solve these mysteries. An automated Blood pressure monitor is attached to your arm, that you will wear home and keep on for 24 hours. It will take your blood pressure reading every 30 minutes, even during sleep.